A control that allows the user to toggle between checked and not checked.
Attribute | Type | Description | Default |
defaultChecked | boolean | The state of the switch when it is initially rendered. Use when you do not need to control its state. | null |
checked | boolean | The controlled state of the switch. Must be used in conjunction with `onCheckedChange`. | null |
onCheckedChange | (checked: boolean) => void | Event handler called when the state of the switch changes. | null |
disabled | boolean | When `true`, prevents the user from interacting with the switch. | null |
required | boolean | When true, indicates that the user must check the switch before the owning form can be submitted. | null |
name | string | The name of the switch. Submitted with its owning form as part of a name/value pair. | null |
value | string | The value given as data when submitted with a name. | null |
checkedIcon | ReactNode | Icon shown inside the thumb of the Switch whenever it is checked | null |
uncheckedIcon | ReactNode | Icon shown inside the thumb of the Switch whenever it is unchecked | null |
size | "sm" | "md" | - | md |
intent | "main" | "support" | "accent" | "basic" | "success" | "alert" | "error" | "info" | "neutral" | - | null |